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We help to Insure and Assure your Family & business.

It gives you financial assistance for your losses and damage. The basic function of all types of insurance coverages is to provide damage control to the insured by bringing in a lot of people who pay to cover their risks. The fund is further used for capital formation through investment in the markets. Simply put, life insurance plans provide long-term security to your family. These plans provide a lump sum amount to financially support your loved ones in case of early death. Also, the payout from these plans can help your family pay off any remaining loans and debts and live a comfortable life. General Insurance. Following are the various types of general insurance in India: Health Insurance. Motor Insurance. Home Insurance. Fire Insurance. ... Life Insurance. Following are several types of life insurance available in India: Term insurance. Term insurance with return of premium. Unit Linked Insurance Plans. An insurance is a legal agreement between an insurer (insurance company).

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